It had always been among my simpler dreams to rear a paddle of ducks. Its something of a wish that you tend to procure wacthing all those lush green fields and ducks swarming into water pools in unison, often a sight from some movie. A few days ago, the day after my lab exams to be precise, I had a chance to be with such a paddle.
The ducks were reared through a feet deep muddy fields, now water-logged owing to the monsoon rains. I stepped off my bike and went with the paddle for about a kilometre or so. It was pure fun, making the ducks run one way to the other, always doing so in a group. Two men on both flanks assured that the gaggle always moved in single general direction despite their helter-skelter runs.
Upon being asked how they could manage to cage every single duck everyday, the men confessed that its damn tough to get near ducks if you are a stranger, but not so once they know you. Ducks have a tendency to follow the one in the front, and hence, marching the leader in the direction the men decide gets the others humming to the same tune as well!!! Interesting, isn't it??!!
There were about 200+ ducks in the swarm. The men walk with them everyday from noon till twilight before closing them in the pen. It was a remarkably unique experience and a bouquet of everlasting freshness..
One Dream fulfilled...
Many to go...
Buzzing Off...
P.S: being a stranger to the ducks, I couldn't get close enough to take better pics.The above pics are good when seen in zoom mode.