Once upon a time, in the distant land of Thrissur Engg. College, studied a smart little young man named Saami. Ardently inspired by the words of great leaders, he decided to dedicate his life to the welfare of common people and his fellow sudents, by landing up in college politics. People gasped with awe when he passed, and he increasingly became a rare item in his own class as more often his duties would keep him busy, as an emerging Red Star.
Then disaster struck. The day was December 31st, 2007. On his way back to hostel, exhausted and weary, Saami was atacked by a gang of ....THE MATTANCHERY MOSQUITOES.
He fought them back bravely, him against nine(perhaps!!) but one of the savage beasts found its destination, Saami's leg. The mosquito made the strike before Saami could barricade himself.
Gasping for air after the galactic war, Saami realised with shock the emergence of a small inflammation near his toe. Irritation soon set in and unable to stand it anymore, Saami plucked at the lump and it burst!!
As days passed by, the swelling in his leg increased though he seldom bothered about it. Busy with his routine, Saami had totally forgotten the pain till it became excruciating. Upon his friend's insistence, he soon consulted a doctor who immediately hospitalised him.
Friends are a boon and sometimes a real pain in the ...
Friends and family poured in to visit the fallen warrior, with empty hands. The sufferers were the nurses of the floor as prying eyes often lurked around them and jackals in saint's disguise sought every oppurtunity to talk to them.(no offence meant :) )
A dying patient needs care even in his death bed
The D-day, as Saami dreaded, finally arrived. A white clad lady came into his room rolling a wheel chair, taking him into the mystery land of OPERATION THEATRE. His friends ran behind him untill they were blocked by giants called attendants near the Op-T.
Seconds turned minutes and minutes ran to an hour and a half. Saami emerged as illuminant as before, out of the glassed entrance(or exit!! whatever!). The doctor, exhausted after the minor surgery was soon brought out supported on either side by the attendants. His final words were" It was a miracle. The boy shall live."
Our joy had no leaps and bounds. Messages and calls came pouring down like the water in Niagra. Friends and family celebrated a new dawn for the " boy who lived".
Walking towards a new dawn(Hopefully!!)
Soon came the day when he parted from the comfort of the hospital bed. His eyes wet with tears, throat choking to let a final word out and hands trembling as he slowly let the door to Room no. 212 slide back to its latch.
And then.......
He lived happily ever after!!!
****************THE END**********************
truly hilarious and as gud as anything else... marvelous piece of work there.. this, in ma opinion, is the best u've ever come up with.. keep up the good work..
coming to the moral side of this, it projects certain thins at us
1.Primarily, the mosquitoes(the mattencherry ones, as u prefer to call it) are increasingly becoming a threat to the lonely 'out of time' walkers like sethu.
2.The realization that sethu is " choriyum kutthi irikaling " is a blow to the conscience.
Any way, thanks to the liters of tears spent in the fear of an executioner's sword on sethu's feet, he's back among as, strong as an oxe(with a limping leg :D). All thanks to u pal, for all those tears. :D
Now it's time to celebrate.. because the 'boy lives'. N not jus that, he's proving it again n again that he's a tough so* in the field.Hatz off to u man..
A cool piece dear dasappa. Really hilarious work. Waiting for your novel about him...
Today me and Sami went to hospital to dress his leg, Nostalgic feelings haunted me when i saw the same old casuality,reception,pharmacy.lift,steps and food court(most). So we had had two ghee roasts from there and I waved my hands with tears in my eyes to the DAYA hospital thinking of the good days we spent there;-)
Hats off.....
"Making a mountain out of molehill."
Really very good presentation. As Nivil said, this is your best post(in my opinion). Felt like reading a comic book.
"...the nurses of the floor as prying eyes often lurked around them and jackals in saint's disguise sought every oppurtunity to talk to them..."
(Lines quoted above highlight the author's "busy at hospital" work, along with some other fellaas...)
Cool piece of work. Humorous.
"LONG LIVE sakhaav MS"
Anyway sami has managed a nice excuse for a medical leave n certificate.. He'll manage s4 with that..
Amazin work Dasaa. The best from u yet. ur description is hilarious.
Hail Sethu!!!
Arun S
da mone rohithe
ellarkum ariyam who used come around at the ime of nurses change of shifs so that he(they) can see all of them at the same time instead of coming twice or thrice a day. njaan verum paavam.. avasaanam nursmaarude comment muzhuvan enikkum!!
proud to have such wonderful friends :)
@ ej
thanks for the appreciation u've shown all along da.
our comrade sethu is back amongst us with revived enery and enthusiasm.
les make a toast for him the next time we meet!!
@ bristow
ever time i pass by the hospital since then, i remember the good time we guys spent in there. it had felt quite equivalent to our hostel rooms and our efforts in making it look lie one was succesful. the best hours were after 12 in the night, eagerly waiting for lights off and then starting babbling which continued till dawn. three days spend like three long years.
i sincerely wish he had been there for a day or two more( for healing the wound). that would have left us with even more memories to carry back home.
@ Nly
saami shall live through us even after his absence, is what i intended to present here.
guess, from all ur replies i was more or less succesful.
thanks for the comment
@ arun
the legend shall live.
in case i didn't mention it to u, i'm writing a novel with saami as the central character!!
shall give u the first two three chapters to read soon.
he's one of the rarest breeds of men on the planet and i guess this is the best way to present the humour we had in the hospital being his watchdogs( we mean myself, chacko, jerry n bristow and nifana)
thanks for ur appreciation!
oh my god
you have reached the level of
j.k.rowling . really amusing article
"the boy who lived" ha ha
i do agree that he is the "chosen one" . eagerly waiting for that novel...
well now you have a reason to toast
i want to hear what sami has to say on this masterpiece
@ rohit
good comment
hey dasappa.. see the amazing responce, n somewhere down the page i remembr someone comparing u to jk. Well, in the light of the knowledge that u r writing a novel wid MS, btr plan ahead.. u r brilliant enough,(there's no question of an 'if'), then u can be the richest man, atleast in GEC(:D) selling royalties.
n about the novel, i'm sure u can do a nic job with it.. eagerly waiting for it. Hope u'll keep us all posted a'bt it.. n since saami's back on net wef friday, i guess he'll join us soon here in blogsphere atleast to appreciate your efforts.
@ ej
i had his call y'day nite and he was happy with the effort i put in. as you and all others know, he's not much of a publicity-liking person abd perhaps because of it he's not commenting.
hope he'll be benevolent enough to bless us with his valuable words of wisdom and prized comments about this entry about him.
shall ask him to do so anyways
gr8 piece f work there....
i guess u must hav spent a lotta time in puttin together dat post....
i really liked it....
though it might seem funny, everything u've said here's 'absolutely' true, especially - "Friends are a boon and sometimes a real pain in the ..."
n speakin f d financial loss i suffered during my brief stint at d hospital, i guess i wud'nt hav lost so much money in a casino....
but it wz fun....i really njoyd every bit f my stay at d hospital....i dont know y, but i tend 2 njoy d most wen i'm face 2 face wid situations f crisis(like these)....dat's me....i dont think, therefore i am....
i think i got well very soon coz d nurses there must hav prayed 4 my speedy recovery, so dat they might escape d evil clutches f my 'sweet' friends...
now i'm waitin impatiently 4 sum1(most probably, and well, hopefully u) 2 get hospitalized so dat i cn ask those 'Angels wid Syringes' my share f "How ya doin?"....
most truly, those few days were among d most memorable 'Days Of Our Lives'....
posted by
The Legend Himself...
web page saved.
bombastic,fantabulous piece of art................
Everyone's comments were started like this.........so me toooo..........and i know ,you want everyone to comment like this...................
At the time THE LEGEND was hospitalized i was t home........
I came to see him with kappa and beef for my dearst roommate n friend M SAMI...
But i couldn't stay there that night, because i didn't want to see my friend in such a pathetic condition.
Chakko stayed with him 4 two nights and we(me n 'push') occassionally visited him .
But after two days THE LEGEND started complaining that his roommates have no care for him.One day he slapped PUSH n said
''Ithu njan nursumarkku kodutha vakkanu. ennengilum ente roommates varumbol avarude karanathu njan onnu pottikkumennu.oru roommate vannirikkunnu,roommates anathre roommates.nursumar ente roommates evide ennu chodhikkumbol chakkoyeyum dasappaneyum kanichu njan avare samadhanipikkumayirunnu.."
the last night............me n PUSH were also there along with dasappan.........Then i realized what all i had missed coz i was not there....
that was not a hospital room, that was a hostel room .................and as far as i m concerned SAMI is really a boon.........See that picture........he gave me a part of his bed to sleep, good food,snacks,cool drinks,nurses were felt like angels
DOCTOR'S FEE : 150/-
RENT : 825/-
TOTAL : 1345/-
TACVA(Ace Vah -p) : 45/-
CSUP : 94.75/-
DVAS20 : 50/-
IAMCL : 120/-
DS5ML : 24/-
IDW10 : 17.50/-
DSB15 : 3.50/-
DN26 : 1.50/-
NS67 : 24/-
OTHERS : 230/-
HIV TEST : 205/-
XRAY : 100/-
SURGERY : 325/-
TOTAL : 1305.25/-
COOLDRINGS,.... : 1250/-
P.S. :
Being in the company of beautiful
Nurses : Priceless
(3 DAYS)
I think this's d most commented post u've done so far....
then, i guess.....
For jerry , only one thing I can say here..
" There are somethings in the world that money can't buy.. for everything else there is "THE LEGEND".. (mastercard)
First post this new year about the legend has brought in unprecedented responses on my blog. Salutations to the champ of chaos. Legend is now amongst us anyone with queries can ask him that here. The legend wil reply about his treacherous adventure into unknown territories and give survival tips:)
well.. i've a doubt.. in the bill it says they've conducted 'HIV' test on u.. well, i'm anxious to kno a'bt d results.
n also in this post, i've felt that certain entities(people) are bstaining from making comments and join the pack.. i'm wondering...!!!??
there are certain things money can't buy. MS is such. u c, no amt of money spent can make another MS. MS will always be MS..
@ MS
adhikam ahankarikenda... :P
M.S reply please. I guess everyone is as anxious as ej to know your test result.:) faint
COMMENT EVERYONE...............
Thank God...I wz found 2 b HIV Negative....
- The Legend
if u say so saami... :D
sami thnx must be given to certain 'companies'..............
not only to god
hey devi!!its a pity i dint get my hands on dis earlier:)trully a master piece;)n who else understands better than a doc in d makin;)loved it pal..
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